Providing Community Based Services for persons with an acquired brain injury, traumatic brain injury, neurologic impairment, or related disability.
Celebrating 30 Years – 1994 – 2024
Employment Services
North Country Employment Services provide services to individuals having differing abilities and who are seeking to regain independence, self-confidence and financial gain through employment. It is our mission to help individuals overcome barriers and assist them with achieving their employment goals.
Eligibility for services is determined by the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. NCES will assign an Employment Specialist to your case, once the referral process has taken place with NHVR.
The two main services provided are Supported Employment and Non-Supported Employment
- Non-Supported Employment Program (Non-SEP)
Non-Supported Employment Programs are designed to assist Participants in need of minimal support and instruction in developing job seeking skills. Non-SEP Services include Job Search/Job Development, Discrepancy Analysis, Barrier Intervention Plan, Informational Interviewing and Labor Market Surveys.
- Supported Employment Program (SEP)
Supported Employment Programs are designed to assist Participants in need of longer-term vocational rehabilitation support services. SEP Services include either on-the-job-site or off-site long-term supports to aid the Participant in remaining productively employed. These services include Job Goal Clarification, Job Development, Job-Person Assessment and Barrier Intervention Plans.